
Jan 24, 2011

Jainism in Buddhist Litarature: Contents

Foreword by Dr. Hira Lal Jain 


Sixth Century B. C. , Vedic System, Later Vedic Literature . Sramana System , Independent Origin of the Sramana Cultural System, Classification of Sramanas), Common features of Sramans , Ascetics in Buddhist Literature , Importance of the Sramanas, Samanas in Jaina and Buddhist Literature, Samanna-Brahmana in Jaina and Buddhist Literature, The Heretical Teachers, Purana Kassapa, Makkhali Gosala , Ajitakesakambali, Pakudha Kaccayana, Sanjaya Belatthiputta, Niganatha Nataputta, Jainism and Ajiviksm, Jainism and Buddhism, Conclusion. 

Jainism, Origin of Jainism, Antiquity of Jainism, Antiquity of Jainism and Buddhist Literature, The date of Nigantha Nataputta, The place of Nigantha Nataputta's death, Schism in the Jaina Order, Philosophical Literature of Jainas , The Canonical School, The Svetambaras canonical Literature, The Twelve Angas, The Twelve Upangas, The Ten Painnas, The Six Cheyasuttas, The Four Mulasutras, The Two culika sutras, The Foure councils, Development of Agama Literature, Resemblance to pali Literature, Canonical School of Digambaras,  The Angapravista, The Angabahya Sruta, Acarya parampara, Anekanta School, Spread of Jainism, The North, After Mahavira, Jainism in Ceylon. 

The Buddha and Buddhism, Sourccs of Buddhism, Buddhist Literature, Pali Literature, Non-Canonical Literature, Sanskrit buddhist Literature. 

The Six Dravyas, Jiva, Pudgala, Nature of Universe, Karmas, Dharma and Adharma, Akasa, The Six Dravyas in Buddhist Literature, The Jaina Conception of Jiva Conception of Jiva (Soul), Ajiva or Pudgala, Nature of Karmas Asrava, Bandha, Samvara and Nirjara, Moksa, Nature of Universe, Nature of Word, Dharma, Adharma and Kala Dravyas, Akasa, Conclusion. 

Chapter Three - JAINA ETHICS  
Jaina Ethics, The Four Siksavratas, The Eleven Stages of the Ethical Evolution of Householders, The Duties of a Jaina House-holders as reflected in Pali Literature, Pancanuvratas, Tridanda and Himsa, Gunavratas, Digvrata, Desavrata and Anarthadandavrata, Siksavratas, Samayika, Prosadhopavasa or Uposatha, The Stages of Ethical Evolution of a Jaina House-holder. 
      Twenty Mulagunas, References to Jaina Monachism in pali Literature, Church Units, Vassavasa, Requisities, Ascetic Practices, Mode of Eating, Quantity of Food, Fasting, Supernatural Powers, Daily Routine, Pancamahavratas, Pancasamitis, Sadavasyakas, Loca or Kesaluncana, Acelakatva, Triguptis, Conclusion. 

Logical Discussions, Evolution of Epistemology, Knowledge and Vision, Classification of Knowledge, Pratyaksa Pramana, Jaina Conception of Savikalpaka Pratyaksa in Buddhist Literature, Its refutation in Buddhist Literature, The Object of Perception, Jaina Conception of Paramarthika Pratyaksa in buddhist Literature. 

Paroksa Pramanas, Smrti, Pratyabhijnana, Tarka, Agama, Anumana, Jaina Conception of Organs of Hetu in Buddhist Literature, Pramanasamplavavada, Conclusion. 

Chapter Five - ANEKANTAVADA    
Anekantavada, The Conccption of Identity, The Conception of Difference, The Conception of subordinating Difference to Identity, The nature of reality, Relation between Guna and Paryaya, Anekantavada in Buddhist Literature, Trayatmakavada and Arthakariyavada in Buddhist Literature, Dual character of an entity, Nature or relation of an entity. 
Nayavada, Types of Nayas, The Theory of Naya in Buddhist Literature.  
Syadvada, Dosas, Abhavas, The Identity-in-difference or Bhedabhedatmaka, Eternal-cum-non-enternal aspects or Nityanityatmaka, Saptabhangi, Syadvada Conception in Buddhist Literature, Vedic, Upanisadic, Naiyayikas, Sceptics, Makkhali Gosala and Syadvada, the Buddha and Syadvada, Nigantha Nataputta and Syadvada, Refutation of Syadvada in buddhist Literature, Nagarjuna and Syadvada, Dharmakirti and Syadvada, Prajnakaragupta and Syadvda, Arcata and Syadvada, Santaraksita and Syadvada, Karnakagomin and Syadvada, Jitari and Syadvada, Evaluation, Conclusion. 

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